Jazz Band

We are so excited you are interested in auditioning for the Wendell Middle School Jazz Band. The band is meeting BEFORE the school day. The only after school rehearsals will be the dress rehearsals before concerts or other rare additional rehearsals if deemed necessary by the director. We are very excited that those that may previously had obligations after school now have the opportunity to be a part of this great ensemble.
The instruments needed are as follows:
Alto Saxophone
Tenor Saxophone
Baritone Saxophone
Percussion (Drum set and Auxilary)
Electric Guitar
Because there are limited spots, we are requiring that students audition in order to participate in this ensemble.
Students will sign-up for a time in class. If your child is auditioning after school, please plan to pick them up 15 minutes after their start time.
For the audition, the wind instruments will need to prepare:
1. Their Bb Scale (either swung or straight)
2. Their Bb Blues Scale (either swung or straight)
3. A piece/selection of their choosing. (If choosing from the method book, please play more than one exercise)
4. The student will also be asked to sight-read.
Percussionists will need to prepare:
1. Medium Swing: quarter note = 112
2. Shuffle: quarter note = 108-112
3. Bossa Nova/Latin: quarter note = 132
4. Funk/Rock: quarter note = 100
5. The student will also be asked to sight-read
You can find these patterns at:http://www.vicfirth.com/education/drumset/GrooveEssentials.php
Upcoming Jazz Band Dates: